CityWalking: Cernobbio
The city of Cernobbio, lying placidly between the west shore of the Lario and the Monte Bisbino, is well known for the beauty of its landscape all around the world, celebrated by artists, writers and poets and it links a peculiar environmental richness with the witness of the creativity and the industriousness of the human being. A landscape that for centuries has been attracting tourists from everywhere.
The hospitality vocation of Cernobbio is very old. The prestigious mansions have been always the destination of famous characters, guests of different owners succeeded during the centuries: among them we remind the princess,Carolina of Brunswich, wife of the Giorgio IV to-be of England and the tsarina Maria Alexandrovna, wife of the zar Alessandro II. The hotels of the city have a long tradition and are visited by tourists coming from every continent for a holiday or just for business.
Besides the wonderful villas full of history and art, Cernobbio offers corners of great fascination which make it a town “on a human scale”, pleasant and relaxing, ideal destination for those who love discovering the endless little and big signs of the human work and of his firm faith during the centuries, evidence which represents the vital plot of the urban and cultural centre of our lands.
Therefore the proposal of this website: discovering Cernobbio with the pace of a pilgrim, walking, without haste, paying attention to the environments being ready to catch the ancient suggestions, memories and traditions.
Decipher the centre of the Lario discovering again with patience the hidden soul.
Discovering that the walking dimension is probably the only one which allows really to understand the space and things, because, better than anyone, allows to appreciate without haste the beauties, sometimes clear, sometimes more tiny and hidden, which our ancestors has transmitted to us.
We thanks for all this the Comune di Cernobbio, which has sustained us under the patronage in this new challenge.
By project
“Turismo alpino: saper fruire il territorio in modo sostenibile”
“Alpine tourism: sustainable use oh the territory”
ID 27384355
Discover paths
Fishers, queens and silk weavers
This route starts from the Peer of Cernobbio, enters the ancient centre of the village with the church of S. Vincenzo, crosses the green oasis of the “Giardino della Valle” up to the Parish Church of S. Nicola at Casnedo, coming down and ending with the beautiful villa in Liberty style, built between the year 1905 and 1906 by the silk manufacturer Davide Bernasconi.