Farmers, artists and notaries in Rovenna

This circular walk starts from the parish church of St. Nicholas in Casnedo, goes uphill on the old mule-track to the hamlet of Rovenna, and returns downhill to the starting point along the old road, now via Monte Santo, which connected the hamlet and the centre of Cernobbio, before the new carriage road was constructed between 1915 and 1917 (out of the need to quickly build a link with the Cadorna Military Line defense works), which took the name via della Libertà at the end of World War II. It is a pleasant and interesting itinerary through the areas of Cernobbio which have preserved their old rural characteristics: the centre of Rovenna and the hamlets of Stomaino, Porgino and Toldino, which until 1929 represented a single separate Municipality.

Path details

Point of departure Cernobbio, Casnedo, church of St. Nicholas
Point of arrival Cernobbio, Casnedo, church of St. Nicholas
Path type urban-excursion mixed route (stages 1 and 3); urban (stage 2)
Environment hilly area
Total length approx. 2.5 km
Time on foot approx. 1.40h (excluding visits)
Difficulty Tourist-Excursion, uphill, with sections showing a mix of cobbled-concrete-asphalt paving and steps (stage 1); Tourist (stage 2); Tourist-Excursion, downhill, sections showing a mix of cobbled-concrete-asphalt paving and steps (stage 3)
Access See single descriptions
Other suggested way of travelling mountain bike

Overlapping / Intersections with other paths

This path crosses and partially overlaps: Path 1Path 3


Click here to download further information on this path


Silvia Fasana

Path by project “Turismo alpino: saper fruire il territorio in modo sostenibile” “Alpine tourism: sustainable use oh the territory” ID 27384355


Further information about the path

Rise approx. 150m
Maximum Height 450m Paving asphalt, cobbled paving, concrete, stone cobbles, concrete flags, concrete cobbles.
Public transport to the point of departure:  bus service 
Public transport from the point of arrival:  bus service 
Parking at the point of departure: limited parking spaces available nearby

Want to know more?

Historical figures
 Michelangelo Colonna   Domenico Pino   Carolina Amalia di Brunswick   Maria Alexandrovna   Tolomeo Gallio 

C. Grandi, La Beata Vergine del Bisbino ed il suo Santuario, Tipografia Cavalleri e Bazzi, Como 1898
I. Fossati, V. Daviddi, Cernobbio “picciola terra”, Edizioni New Press, Como 1989
I. Fossati, Cernobbio. Guida ai luoghi e alle cose, Edizioni New Press, Como 1991
A. Spiriti, M.C. Terzaghi, G. Virgilio, Guide della Provincia di Como – Da Cernobbio alla Valle Intelvi, Amministrazione Provinciale di Como, Istituto per la Storia dell’Arte Lombarda, Nodo Libri, Como 1997
Testimonianze di vita contadina in Rovenna, Amici e figli d’Arte, Cernobbio 1998
Rovenna …oggi, Associazione Pro Rovenna, Rovenna 2004
P. Cottini, L. Monti, Geometrie verdi sull’acqua. I giardini del territorio lariointelvese, Comunità Montana Lario Intelvese, Bellavite Editore, Missaglia 2007
G. Salvioni, Cernobium Cernobi Cernobio Cernobbio. Le famiglie e i personaggi illustri, Edizioni Comune di Cernobbio, 2008
G. Salvioni, Cernobium Cernobi Cernobio Cernobbio. Storia e territorio, Edizioni Comune di Cernobbio, 2008
S. Fasana, A. Garancini, Sui passi dell’anima. Luoghi della devozione nel territorio lariointelvese, Bellavite Editore, Missaglia 2009
B. Barelli, L’Ossario di Rovenna, Parrocchia di S. Michele Arcangelo, Rovenna 2011. Chiese, ville e giardini, Città di Cernobbio, s.d.

Websites Municipality of Cernobbio official website   Comunità della Beata Vergine del Bisbino official website 

We would like to thank don Bruno Biotto, Mr. Benvenuto Barelli and Rovenna’s Associations for their invaluable contributions. partenrs:
